Many thanks to Cara from Cara's Scrap 'N Stamp for giving me the Circle of Friends Award. It was such a sweet surprise!
The conditions of accepting this blog award are for me to list 5 things that I like to do. After making that list, I am to send along this award to 5 more bloggy friends that I would like to learn more about.
Here are my bloggy friends:
Joan (ASecondTime)
Anna (Baloo2662)
Julie (Julie's Jewels of Thought)
TLouey (Running With Scissors)
Five things I love to do:
1)Paint outside in the garden in the summertime, drinking summery drinks and getting lost in time on a project.
2) Hiking! Someday I would like to do the West Coast trail and Kilimanjaro.
3) Skiing- I like being outdoors but I don't like being cold. Skiing gets me outside in the winter and keeps me warm at the same time.
4) Pets- Furry, Fluffy, Feathery & cute. I love them all.
5) Travelling- there's some great places to see on this planet and interesting people to meet. The best way to travel is to go visit someone you know who lives there. You will get to see and experience things that most tourists don't. If you're looking for a great travelling read, try "The Long Way Round" or "The Long Way Down" with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman. They're awesome!