Thursday, April 14, 2011

Artistic Angst

Sometimes life throws painful situations at us and it's up to us on how to deal with them. Last week, one of my favourite uncles passed away suddenly. He had been ill for some time but his autoimmune disease was under control. Unfortunately, a complication from a regular in-out procedure stole him away from us. His death feels so crippling to me, but I have been trying to use my grief as an "excelerant" for creating artwork.

I've been playing with an old hardcover book for a while; toying with ideas and occasionally doing something on a few pages. Last week, I started using the book as a means for expressing grief. I suppose most people call it 'art journaling'. I'm simply using it like a visual diary and I'm really liking it. I'm not great at expressing myself verbally, and this is turning into a great way of getting stuff off of my chest. It is especially good when most of my thoughts feel like lumpy gravy and trying to articulate them is like trying to get the lumpy gravy through a fine strainer. It's not always a good scene!

The first painting I did in the book was done last week when I was feeling quite angry. I just did the second one the other day. I am starting to feel a bit better about his passing now.

"Life Without Love is Like a Tree Without Fruit"

The memories of your love and your laughter will live in our hearts forever.
You will be missed. Rest in peace Uncle Len.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Peek Outside

I looked out on my deck today and guess what I saw?! The bulbs I had planted at the end of January have come up! I was beginning to think that they weren't going to come up- assuming that they had succumbed to death by drowning- but no, these little bulbs are persistent.

They were bulbs I had gotten on sale at Superstore for $0.75 a bag and at the time they didn't look very promising, but I figured I'd give them a shot. The pot closest holds tulips (Luca Banja). The other pot holds chiondoxa forbesii. I had put a twig into one pot, so I'd know which was which. I guess I can take the twig out now!

These bulbs are quite late (most of the other bulbs in the city are blooming or have finished blooming already) but I am happy and will make more updates as I go along.

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